St. Andrew’s believes that each person should be growing in faith and knowledge throughout their lives.

We embrace the Anglican tradition of understanding God through scripture, tradition, and reason. We tailor our Christian Education for each age group, encouraging all to participate with a variety of activities throughout the year.

Our faith grows as we do— formed through study, discussion, play, prayer, worship, and outreach in our community. St. Andrew’s provides opportunities for Christian education of all types to all ages.

Youth Ministry

St. Andrew’s believes children belong in church!

We offer Christian Education to children of all ages and welcome children to participate fully in the life of the parish.

St. Andrew’s is a community that has long embraced its children as a vital part of its faith family. Our ministry to children is based on our conviction that liturgy is important, that faith is fueled by communal prayer, and that the love of Christ is shared each Sunday through the Eucharist. We strive to include our children in worship as well as to provide them with opportunities to explore their faith interactively with their peers.

During the first half of the 9:30 a.m. service each week, we welcome children to gather in Carmichael Hall with their families to hear stories, pray, and explore their faith. Baptized persons of all ages are welcome to take communion. For children who choose to stay in the main church with their families, a carpeted area near the altar allows a quiet space for young children to look at books, color, or move quietly when the pews are too confining.

Grow in the Spirit

St. Andrew’s offers a number of opportunities for adult education throughout the week and throughout the year.

The Adult Forum meets occasionally on Sundays following the 9:30 a.m. service, from September through May, in the Parish Hall or other times during Zoom. We offer discussion groups from time to time on books and topics of interest. Recent books have included N.T. Wright’s God and the Pandemic and Stephanie Spellers’ The Church Cracked Open: Disruption, Decline, and New Hope for Beloved Community. We invite our members to share topics of particular concern or areas of expertise with our congregation. Quiet Days in our church and off-site offer opportunities for spiritual enrichment. Our Tuesday evening service does not include a formal sermon; everyone is invited to share in reflecting on our lectionary readings.
St. Andrew’s is deliberate about inviting different voices to preach during our Sunday service, several times each year, so that we can benefit from different perspectives.

Sacred Ground: We believe St. Andrew’s is the first congregation to offer this reading and video-based discussion group in the Episcopal Diocese of Albany using the Episcopal Church’s exploration of the legacy of racism in the U.S. We have completed our first discussion circle via Zoom and our second group started in February 2024.

St. Andrew’s offers an Inquirer’s class for those seeking to know more about the Episcopal church, as needed and often in conjunction with a planned visit from a bishop. Adults and youth may be received or confirmed into the church or make a public re-affirmation of faith after completing this class. Please contact the parish office for further details.

The St. Andrew’s offers bible study from both Old and New Testaments every Wednesday evening via zoom, with participants choosing which book or segment we will explore. We think about what we are reading, air our views, share our experiences, argue with the authors, and find guidance for our lives as Christians. It is a good place to develop new friends and relationships.

More than Bible study, through exploration, prayer, and reflection, trained mentors facilitate small group discussions and guide participants to examine life through an increasingly informed and inspired theological lens. EfM participants read and discuss the Old Testament (year 1), the New Testament (year 2), Church history (year 3), and theology (year 4). You do not have to commit to all four program years nor complete the program in four years. Presently, meets on Tuesdays evenings from mid-September through mid-June.