Rector Search Process 5/10/23

Rector Search Update 

Our visitation team went to visit a candidate on Sunday, April 30. While they liked the candidate as a person and believed he is a man of God, they unanimously and independently came to the conclusion that we should not go forward with this candidate.

They came to this not having discussed their reactions with one another. They thought and prayed about it and let us know at our Search Committee meeting on May 2. We would be happy to share details in a phone call if you wish. The rest of the Search Subcommittee listened closely and agreed it was time to move on.

Since we reactivated the Search process, there have been two official applications. The one candidate in addition to this one withdrew after coming to the conclusion that the call was to stay put for now.

One of the chief challenges in this process has been the fact that the Diocese is in the midst of a search for a Diocesan Bishop.  Our Diocesan Transition Minister has told us that there aren’t many priests who would consider going to a diocese if they didn’t at least know who the bishop was going to be. As a parishioner has said, “Jesus may be the boss but it might be nice to know who the ‘branch manager’ will be.”

Given the timetable the Diocese is working under (election convention in September, approval by the national House of Bishops subsequently, and consecration in February), the vestry will be considering the option of engaging a second interim rector relationship.

We will keep you posted.

Please continue to hold St Andrew’s, your vestry and the Search Subcommittee in your prayers.

Submitted by Duane, chair of the Rector Search Subcommittee

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